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Mergers and Acquisitions

A merger, acquisition, or divestiture has many challenges.  oAppsNET Professional Services Team helps the transition team get ready to meet the challenges after the deal is finalized.

Standardize Operations While Reducing Uncertainty, Risk, and Costs

Obtain Synergies Quickly to Focus on the Business Rather than the Deal

Minimize Spreadsheets and Customizations to Facilitate Regulatory Reporting

Achieve Strategic and Operational Fit to Accelerate Value Recognition and Increase Shareholder Value

Mergers and Acquisitions: Realizing the Value

There are few things that generate excitement and speculation like the announcement of a business combination. Almost without exception, the management promise of every merger and acquisition is to increase stakeholder value. However, it seems that this is not what typically happens. As evidenced by a 2019 survey by Deloitte, 40 percent of survey respondents say that half their deals fail to generate the value they expected at the onset of a transaction. It begs the question— what is going so terribly awry? More importantly, what must be done to ensure that M&A deals do in fact deliver the maximum value possible? This article is meant to answer both of these questions.

Read the White Paper

A Successful ERP Implementation for Mergers & Acquisitions

The benefits of a merger and acquisition (M&A) can be great in various ways including cross-selling, synergy, cost savings etc. But often, the realization of the benefits can be subdued due to the absence of an effective implementation of the ERP business systems for the merged entity.
This white paper provides insights on the top three critical aspects that need to be resolved before implementing a common ERP system followed by a merger. While most of these aspects apply to all verticals, the focus of this analysis is on the manufacturing domain.

Read the White Paper

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