A Guide to Modern Vendor Relationship Management

January 24, 2023

If you’re a business owner, the back end of your business is likely the last thing on your mind. But one of the most important aspects of growing your company is how well vendors and suppliers are managed. This is where Vendor Relationship Management (VRM) comes in.

VRM is a strategy for managing vendor relationships that ensures you have the right inventory, pay the best price, and get the highest quality possible. VRM aims to improve procurement efficiency and profitability by ensuring that suppliers meet your needs. VRM includes managing your inventory, contracts, and other business processes. It also includes developing a strategy for when and how to change suppliers based on their performance and evaluating the quality of products and services provided by each supplier. A successful VRM strategy helps you manage costs while improving efficiency.

Vendor relationship management (VRM) doesn’t have to be complicated—and if done correctly, it can help make both sides more efficient and profitable by streamlining processes and reducing costs associated with procurement. Here are some ways to modernize your vendor relationship management to take your business success to the next level.

Having an automated and streamlined way to manage your vendors

It’s important to have an automated way to manage your vendors. This will help you:

  • Monitor their performance more effectively, so you can pay only for the services you receive.
  • Reduce the risk of making a bad vendor decision (e.g., choosing a company that does not deliver on its promises).
  • Improve efficiency by eliminating duplicate data entry and manual processes that can lead to costly errors or delays in payment processing.

A streamlined vendor management system provides a single place to store all information about your vendors and gives you the ability to track key performance indicators across various departments within the organization.

A good vendor management system can lead to significant benefits for your organization by allowing you to understand the performance of your vendors better. This type of solution can help you manage risks and make adjustments as needed so that your end customers are satisfied with their experience. With greater visibility into how your vendors perform on key metrics such as quality, order fill rate, and delivery times, you’ll have an easier time identifying areas where they need improvement.

However, the result will depend on many factors, including:

  • Your organization’s current resources and capabilities
  • The size of your vendor network
  • The complexity of your vendor relationships (for example, if you’re dealing with multiple vendors across different geographic locations)

Assess and analyze your contracts

You should regularly assess and analyze your contracts to ensure you get the most out of them. To accomplish this, use technology to make it easier for you to manage your contracts. Here are some features that will help:

  • Centralized system – A centralized system will allow you to keep all of your contracts in one place. It also makes it easier for employees across departments or geographies to access them from any device with an internet connection, even when they’re not in the office.
  • Easy-to-use interface – The system should be easy for all users—including contractors and third parties—to navigate without needing special training or knowledge about how modern vendor relationship management works.
  • Flexible pricing model – Make sure there’s a payment structure that works best for both parties (e.g., a flat monthly fee) so neither side feels taken advantage of by the other party after agreeing on terms initially during the contract negotiations process).
  • Scalable service – Look for an option that scales up or down as your needs change over time, so you’re not paying for more than what you use.
  • Secure data storage – Ensure all information is securely stored and encrypted so that no one who isn’t authorized has access. This includes sensitive information about your company’s internal operations, finances, or employees.

Using modern vendor relationship management software is a great way for companies to keep track of their vendor contracts, streamline processes related to those agreements (e.g., payment processing), and make it easier for everyone involved with the contract negotiations process).

Benchmark the performance of your vendors

Benchmarking—the process of comparing a vendor’s performance to that of other vendors in the same industry—is a powerful tool for ensuring that you’re getting what you pay for. You can use benchmarking to determine how well your vendor is doing and identify areas where they can improve.

It is especially important for companies with multiple vendors because it allows them to compare their performance against each other. This helps ensure that all of your vendors are performing at an acceptable level, and, if not, where they need improvement.

Benchmarking can be done in several ways. One common method is to gather information about each vendor and then compare that data with other vendors in the same industry. You might look at everything from their location, size, and number of employees to their sales volume and profitability. By analyzing this information, you’ll better understand how your vendor compares against similar organizations.

Identify opportunities for improving vendor performance

The first step to improving vendor performance is identifying the opportunities for doing so. Several tools exist that can help you with this, but one common approach is to use a performance dashboard—a visual display of the current state of a process or system. You can track and measure your vendor’s performance at any time by looking at their dashboards and scorecards on your management system.

In addition to measuring their daily activity, it also allows you to see how much revenue they generate for your business and what kind of ROI they’re getting from their services. If necessary, you can even go back through previous reviews and compare them against current ones (or vice versa).

Assign roles in your team to improve accountability

We’ve established that vendor relationship management is a complex process and requires a team of people to ensure its success. To keep things running smoothly, you’ll want to develop an organizational structure that clearly defines each person’s role. The following are some suggested positions:

  • Vendor Relationship Manager (VRM) – This is your main point of contact for managing relationships with vendors. They will be responsible for communicating with vendors, handling contracts and invoices, etc.
  • Vendor Relationship Manager Assistant (VRMA) – The VRMA acts as an assistant to the VRM, performing many of their duties while also taking on additional tasks such as reporting or research projects.

The VRMA and their assistant are responsible for the day-to-day management of vendor relationships. They will work closely with vendors to ensure their needs are met on time.

Create a single, centralized platform for all vendors

The most important thing you can do is create a single, centralized platform for all vendors. A good vendor relationship management system serves as your central hub for all things vendor-related:

  • Assign contracts to vendors and track their performance over time—and even get alerts when they reach certain milestones
  • Keep tabs on the history of your purchases with each company so that if you ever need to compare what you paid last year versus this year or last quarter against this quarter, you’ll have an easy time finding it
  • Create spreadsheets and reports based on data from these contracts

This helps you get a better handle on which vendors are performing at their best and which ones might need improvement. It’s about providing better customer service by streamlining processes and improving communication between everyone involved.

In addition to keeping track of contracts, vendor relationship management systems allow you to set up purchase orders and track their progress. This is important because purchases can be expensive—especially if they involve multiple vendors—and having a way for everyone involved to stay on top of what’s going on. This means that things get done faster and more efficiently. Plus, it gives you peace of mind knowing that everything is handled correctly at every step.

Vendor relationship management software allows companies to keep track of their internal and external relationships with vendors. But how does it benefit your business? Vendor management systems help businesses manage all aspects of their vendor relationships in one place, making it easy to see which suppliers are performing well and which ones need improvement. The system keeps the information about vendors organized by creating a single centralized platform where everything can be stored and accessed at any time.

Set up a renewal reminder process to ensure that you never miss a renewal date

You don’t want any surprises when it comes time to renew. Whether it’s a new contract or renewal of an existing agreement, you’ll need to ensure that all parties are on board with the same stipulations and terms before signing anything.

Never miss a renewal date. This seems like an obvious tip, but it’s important to note that most contracts have an expiration date. Set up a process for renewing your contracts with customers so that you don’t miss out on any opportunities to continue working together in the future.

There are several ways to make this happen:

  • Use a CRM system to keep track of renewal dates. This is the most automated option and will ensure that every renewal date gets into your system with plenty of time for you or another team member to review it before it expires.
  • Set up calendar reminders for yourself (and other sales team members) with tight lead times before each contract ends so that you remember when it’s time to renew the agreement and look out for potential new opportunities.
  • Create a spreadsheet that lists all of your contracts by customer and then include columns where people can note whether there are special circumstances around these contracts, such as an upcoming expiration date or the need for additional documentation from them before signing on again.

Conduct regular and ongoing assessment of your vendors’ performance levels

When you’re building a team of vendors, it’s important to assess and monitor their performance levels regularly. This is a crucial part of ensuring the people you are working with are as good as they need to be for your business to succeed. It also helps keep everyone on the same page regarding expectations, so there aren’t any surprises down the line.

You should conduct regular assessments for all of your vendors, regardless of how long they have been with you or how much work they do for your company. The best way to do this is by asking yourself these questions:

  • How often should I evaluate vendor performance?
  • How do I measure this?
  • What happens if I find a problem?

You can also look at these four areas as part of your evaluation process:

1) How well does the vendor work with other vendors and employees on your team? 

2) Is their work meeting all project goals, or are there any issues that need to be addressed? 

3) Do they have a good customer service and client satisfaction record?

4) Are there any other vendors that could do better work for less money?

Vendor relationship management is crucial and can be improved with technology

Vendor relationship management is an important part of running a company. It can be improved by using technology to improve vendor performance.

Vendor performance analytics can help you understand if your vendors are meeting their contractual obligations and delivering on time. As a result, you can better manage them and make informed decisions about whether or not to continue working with them.

This will help you create stronger relationships between your company and its vendors, leading to more efficient workflows and higher employee satisfaction because everyone is on the same page about what needs to get done and when.

When a company invests in vendor relationship management software, they invest in their future. The right solution will make it easier for vendors to communicate with each other and work together on projects. This means that your business can operate more efficiently because there is less time spent dealing with misunderstandings or miscommunications between departments – all while saving money by ensuring everyone understands what they need to do.


The key takeaway from this guide is that vendor relationship management is crucial and can be improved with technology. By using a centralized platform to manage your vendors, you’ll be able to assess their performance easily, benchmark it against industry standards, identify opportunities for improving performance levels, assign roles within your team, set up automated alerts, and more.