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How to Estimate Oracle Form Replacement?

How to Estimate Oracle Form Replacement?

Oracle Forms is a client-server-based application built for developing applications in a database. It is best suitable for creating an application that needs to be on a database level and is a cornerstone of any organization’s ability to rapidly develop solutions that meet the ever-changing demands of its business environment. The Oracle Forms replacement process is a major undertaking, and you must estimate the project’s cost. Whether you choose to develop your custom solution or to use one of the many commercial products on the market, you need to know how much it will cost before you proceed.

The following steps will help you estimate the cost of replacing Oracle Forms;

Understand the oracle forms application

The first step in estimating your Oracle forms replacement is understanding the application running on it. You need to know the application’s features, how many users are accessing it, and what kind of queries are being run against it. This information will help you create a more accurate estimate for your Oracle forms replacement project.

Create a cost analysis spreadsheet

Once you understand your current system and its needs, it’s time to create a cost analysis spreadsheet outlining all your costs associated with running the system. This includes hardware, software licensing fees, support costs, etc., and any additional costs that may come up during the implementation or maintenance of your new system, new hardware required for scaling up or down, and additional training required for new systems.

Define replacement requirements

It is important to know what the new application will be used for and how your users will use it before beginning the project. Ideally, this information should come from a business sponsor or end user using the application regularly. This person should also provide insight into any unique characteristics the current system may have that require special attention during development.

Define business needs

You can do this by interviewing stakeholders and users of your current application. This will help you understand what features are most important to them so that you can make sure they are included in your new application. Then, based on their responses, you should create user stories that describe how they would use those features if they were available in a new system.

Estimate effort for each task      

This step identifies all tasks required for the project completion. Then it estimates each task based on its complexity and other factors like resources required, duration and impact on business, etc. After identifying all tasks, you need to estimate each task based on its complexity and other factors like resources required, duration and impact on business, etc. You can use MS Project or any other task management software.

Account for data migration

Data migration is the process of moving data from one system to another. Data migration is often considered part of the project lifecycle and is usually performed before or after deployment. It can also be done in parallel with the development process. There are many reasons why you would want to migrate your data. For example, you may need to upgrade an old software version due to security issues or other bugs, or you may want to move your data into a new database platform with better performance or scalability. 

Factor in contingency

Accurately estimating any project is to understand the true complexity of the requirement. The most common mistake inexperienced project managers make is underestimating the complexity and overestimating their capabilities. This leads to poor-quality deliverables and unhappy customers at the end of the day. Thus, you must factor in contingency while estimating your project.

Review and refine the estimate

This involves comparing the project’s cost with similar projects performed by your organization or other organizations. A comparison will help you determine if the cost is reasonable and if additional work should be done on the project. If you have a current estimate, this is a good starting point. However, it may need to be more accurate to provide a solid foundation for future efforts. You should review the estimate and ensure it is up-to-date and reflects the most recent information. If you need an estimate, start with what you know about your project.

Identify key components of the project

Now it’s time to analyze each component of your project in detail and find out whether there are any hidden costs or risks associated with it. For example, if you create an application for tracking employee attendance, it could be hard to accurately estimate how long it will take because you still need to become familiar with this type of software. If so, ask other companies who use similar applications or read their reviews online for more information about this process.

Determine how much time it will take to develop each feature

Another step is to determine how much time it will take to develop each feature of your application. This can be done by looking at similar projects that have already been developed or by interviewing people who have built similar applications. The goal here is not necessarily accurate but rather an estimate within reason so that you only spend a little time and money on the project if it is impossible within budget constraints.

Estimate testing timeframes

Estimating the cost of a software project is to break down the project into smaller tasks, each with a specific deliverable and estimated duration. When estimating Oracle Forms Replacement, it’s important to include all of the steps in your timeline and not skip any steps. This will help ensure you complete all important tasks that might take longer than expected or require more resources than previously thought.


Most Oracle form replacement tools are available in the market, and choosing one will depend on whether you are starting from scratch or have some existing Oracle forms to convert. If you have an existing form, starting with a tool that supports conversion is much easier. With this information, it’s easy for an Oracle developer to confirm or refine the estimate and authorize progress on the project.